

Almondy cakes are made using carefully selected ingredients and the almond bases are based on an original Swedish recipe that dates from the 1890s. All cakes do not contain flour, which means that they are all gluten-free. Below you can see the 6 different cakes that make up our current range.

Almondy, which was originally called Mandelbageriet, is a Gothenburg-based bakery that bakes and sells frozen cakes to the retail trade, restaurants and catering services. The company was founded in 1982 and today exports cakes to more than 40 countries around the world. The range features a number of irresistibly good recipes, all of which embrace the same unique concept of “delicious, simple and gluten-free”.

Autentic Swedish almond cake

Packaging: 400 gr a 1000 gr


Almond cake with DAIM

Packaging: 400 gr a 1000 gr


Milk chocolate Cake with MILKA

PAckaging: 400 gr a 1000 gr


Almond cake topped with pieces of TOBLEROne

Packaging: 400 gr a 1000 gr
